Reading is embedded within the whole school curriculum at Southam St James and takes place in all lessons, as well as through class story time. High quality texts are used as a stimulus to develop speaking and listening, reading, and writing skills. In addition, children take part in whole class daily reading lessons where fluency, extended and close reading are focussed on. All teachers have received training by Chris Such and have begun implementing this structure from years 2 to 6 from Summer 2024.
We are committed to enabling children to become motivated and independent readers. We ensure that children are encouraged to read a range of genres every year; this includes class novels, books linked to topics, free reading books and guided reading texts. While children are learning to read, we teach using Little Wandle and books that are matched to their phonics stage and later onto a reading book band match to their level. Once children are confident readers, they move onto carefully selected free reading books.