Southam St James CofE Academy

Let your light shine

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Christian Vision and Values

Our Church Links 

As a Church of England Academy, we have very close connections with St. James Church in Southam. The Golden Cockrell on our logo is to replicate the weather vane on St James Church. We also have links with All Saints Church in Ladbroke. 


Our Motto

'Let your Light Shine' (Matthew 5:16)


Our Christian Vision 

We aim to “let our light shine” in our school, our Multi Academy Trust, our homes and our community by following the teachings of Jesus, the Light of the World. 


Bible Link

Jesus says he is the “Light of the world”, who brings the “light of life” to his followers [John 8:12]. He tells us [Matthew 5:16]: “Let your light shine” so that other people see our good lives.


Our Christian Values 

Our Christian Values are at the centre of everything we do at Southam St James C of E Academy. They help us live out the Christian Vision of the Multi Academy Trust of 'pursuing life in all its fullness.' (John 10:10)


Each half term, we focus on a different Christian Value. This is done explicitly through our Collective Worship time, using the 'Roots and Fruits' resource. We also focus on Christian Values throughout our curriculum. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on each value and to develop an understanding of the value in action. Each Friday, in our Celebration Worship, we acknowledge children who have demonstrated these values.

Our visitors from St. James Church (Rev Vicki and the Open the Book Team) and All Saints Church (Rev Andy) regularly lead our worship to help us to reinforce our understanding of each value as they share stories from the Bible.


The Half termly Christian values we explore and strive to live by are:


By using 'Roots and Fruits' we aim that assemblies are

*inspiring and transformational 
*includes a range of creative opportunities, e.g. music, silence, symbol, drama
*develops the Christian vision, values and ethos of the school


We believe these values are empowering our pupils to develop their spirituality and guiding them in personal development as effective learners and good citizens to 'Let their Light Shine'. For more information please view the 'Christian Values for Schools' website.


Children have opportunities to plan, prepare and lead worship for the whole school through class assemblies.


Theological themes connected to the Vision:



God the Father said “Let there be light’ [Genesis 1:3] as he began to create the world. This included all the wonders of nature - and finally human beings, made in his image [Genesis 1:27]. So we can enjoy God’s creation in every lesson and activity we do - and we can aim to be like God in our care and love for everyone.



Jesus, God’s Son, lived on earth as an ordinary person, and so we see God’s character in Jesus’ teachings and actions. So we have an excellent example of how to “let our light shine”: treating others well, caring for the suffering, standing up for justice, being resilient and courageous.


The Trinity:

The Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, helps us every day to follow Jesus’ teachings and actions. The Trinity (God in three ‘persons’) [Matthew 28:19] shows how good it is to live in a community. We can support not only our class and school communities but also our families and our town. Sometimes we will need to be resilient - with the Spirit’s help.



Jesus, as Light of the world, showed completely unselfish love by dying on the Cross. [1 John 3:16] We may need to be unselfish when we do the best for other people.



Light shows up what is good and what is bad [John 3:19-21]. Our light can help us to defeat nastiness and sadness wherever we find it - and so help everyone.



Jesus’ teachings include trying to make people friends again [based on 2 Corinthians 5.17-18]. This is difficult but with the Spirit’s help we may be able to bring peace between children - and even adults.
